Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mia Is Caught Part Two

Second part of this scene, third one coming in the following days. Let me know what you think!

Heaving a sigh of exhaustion, Mia brushes the rest of the lion droppings into the trash bag and dusts off her pants and shirt. The park is closing, and she couldn’t be any happier. It allows her to be free from the grinds of a job, free to do what she wants with who she wants. After changing out of her work clothes in the women’s locker room, Mia heads out to have a drink at King’s Grill, the restaurant and bar a few blocks from the San Diego Zoo. Fifteen minutes of driving through slightly congested Californian traffic and Mia walks up to the bar and takes a seat. At the other end having a drink with some work buddies is Brian Shanahan, wealthy father of two beautiful girls, resident of the wonderful city of San Diego for almost thirteen months. Previously, he lived, alone, in Phoenix and was charged with raping a fifteen-year-old girl. Yet, that’s not what brought Mia here tonight; she wasn’t interested in his crimes of passion. She is more intrigued by the hunt of tracking and killing the man, whoever she happens to choose.
Through the smoky haze thickening in the air, Mia observes him while he drinks his last night away. Although preferring the victim to be awake, she has come across her share of drunken slobbering assholes that create a different kind of enjoyment for her; they’re number to the blade. The way their eyes go from ecstasy to sheer terror in milliseconds really made Mia’s heart pump harder and blood flow faster. The dumbfounded look on their faces once they realize she has been plunging away at their vital areas, steadily draining away their life. Tonight, it is Mr. Shanahan’s night to experience just that. Researching and following led Mia to King’s, where he drinks with his friends every Thursday night after work. He is always out late those nights, so there will be no trouble from a worried wife before the job is done. On very frequent occasions, the married man would delve into the world of bar girl hook-ups, which will work to Mia’s advantage. After he finishes his second drink, she makes her way to the opposite end of the bar and heads him off at the bathroom. Exchanging flirtatious looks and smiles, they introduce themselves and decide to share a drink.

Her mind is swimming in circles, never stopping or allowing her to focus the thoughts. For a few brief moments, her eyes flutter open and she glimpses the scene in front of her before going unconscious again. His body is gone and there isn’t a trace of a struggle. Frozen in a pane of light, the man is stringing up some kind of poster and has moved the furniture away towards the walls. With the wife and children gone on vacation, the empty house was the perfect place for it. However, the tables have been turned on her and she is now the apparent victim.
“Just wait, you’ll love it,” the man says. “Once I’m done here, everything will be different. Your life will change completely!”

He tells her his house is empty, and they can go there to have some more private drinks. Mia convinces him to drive separately, as she needs her car in the morning for work. It was a nice excuse to cover her plan of not being a suspect in his inevitable murder investigation. Before driving over, Mia opens her trunk and checks to make sure all her supplies are there. Unzipping the duffel bag, she quickly scans its contents and finds her knives, rope, trash bags and other little trinkets she will use throughout the process. Satisfied she gets into the car and drives to his house, where her prize eagerly waits for her arrival. Sitting at a red light two blocks from his address, Mia stares ahead and smiles; finally the weight will be lifted off of her shoulders. The light turns green and she accelerates through the intersection, when a maniac cuts her off trying to turn in front of her SUV. Honking and cursing, Mia glares at the man behind the wheel, who reacts with a smile and wave and speeds off into the dark and turns down the street after Brian’s. Making note of his license plate number, Mia seems to have already found her next target. She shakes her head and moves on, turning down his street and into his garage, so as to mask her presence here tonight. A sweet smile swims across her silent and sultry face while she slips into his house.

1 comment:

  1. I like reading this from the killer's (Mia's) point of view and your voice comes off very strong and demanding in the way a crime/mystery novel works. There is always suspense and anticipation despite the fact that we know what will most likely happen. The twist is great- she is the victim. Good job, kid!
