Friday, October 2, 2009


So readers are aware, I am not some psychotic serial killer who posts stories to vent his frustrations. I just tend to write typically violent and twisted stories, whatever crawls into my imagination. This piece is the introduction to my short story, which as of now is still untitled. It details the life of Mia, a female serial killer who slays rich, handsome men with troubled pasts that are buried beneath lots of red tape. The narrator has selections told through 1st person, as he is the victim she has searched for her entire life. More details will come out as I progress, so if you're interested keep checking back for more. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Although seemingly having a normal sense of sanity projected by a faux persona, I am nothing of the sort. In a desperate attempt to feed an insatiable desire for deceit and destruction, and thusly trying in vain to hide my affliction behind a veil of lies, I roam the streets as if in search of an answer to my disease. Yet I remain incurable of a sickening eagerness to stare into the souls of the human shells that crowd around me at the street light; the beasts who cram up against me on the train to Park Street; the swine who dine on processed pig meat nightly before the game. How they can face their own revolting reflection each passing day vexes me to this very moment, as I gaze out into the daunting darkness of late night Boston. Taking a sip of red wine, I ease down into my chair and smile while replaying the day’s accomplishments in my head. Extraordinary to imagine I was an utterly different man, an utterly different person not so long ago.

Copyright 2009 Liam Feldstein

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