Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Train

Boarding the train and riding into the city, you come across a lot of interesting people. As the stops become more frequent and the riders become more prevalent, discrepancies in their actions and appearances are noticeable. No person is the same, everyone has a place they need to be or someone to meet. Each has a story, yet you will never know anything about them beyond where they may be headed. There's the woman answering her phone and talking to her father, maybe scheduling a dinner date for the night or the one after. The kid with suitcases who just got on could be coming back from vacation, or getting ready to embark on a journey. But as the train gets closer to the city, so many people get on you become lost in yourself. The overwhelming amount of bodies cramming into the car forces you to only consider your own thoughts and though you hate to admit it, you become selfish. No more worry is given to those around you, as you have your own problems to face once you get back home. Yet, if you stop and look around, you will notice just how similar everyone truly is now that the work day has ended. Exhausted and spent, all the people want is to eat and rest, if only just for a few minutes, to prepare for the next day, where maybe, just maybe, something new and interesting will happen. The doors open, people get off, the train moves on.

1 comment:

  1. I LIKE THIS!! I took the train to work in boston for 3 summers and i totally know what you mean with this. i love it.
