Thursday, August 6, 2009

Art of War

There will be always be competition between the two art forms of writing and pictures, both sides providing a formidable foe to the other. While writers use words to provide an image to the reader, the picture taker uses their image to provide words to the viewer. Despite writers' uncanny ability to paint with words, I feel an image such as this does a better job by simply being itself: a beautiful sunrise/sunset. Although the likes of Chaucer and Shakespeare could implant this picture in your imagination with prose and poetry, wouldn't you rather see it for yourself and make your own interpretation of what you're viewing? The battle will wage on, with no side being the outright victor in this war of attrition. It will only sway back and forth from one to the other until the sands of time are spent and gone, with no one left to judge.

Special thanks to Linds for the picture!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Silly Movie Industry

Without fail, my friends and I always watch horribly made movies just to get a good laugh every once in a while. Tonight's choice was the prequel remake of the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Pretty much combine the original with the remake, and you get this lovely piece of film to scoff at from your couch. People are tortured and slain with chainsaws and knives; it's fun stuff. Yet, even though it was the most laughable horror film I've seen since, say, Silent Hill, a light bulb went off in my brain. Forgive me if it has already happened, but why have I not heard of a porn movie spun off from this? I wholeheartedly believe it would be the most successful S&M flick to hit the market to date. For the title, I would shoot for something like "The Texas Cocksaw Massacre". All the dialogue would be filled with your cheesy cliche porn lines ("I've been a bad girl, maybe you should stick me and punish me big boy.") There are definitely people out there who would clamor to the stores for this, disgusting as it may be. In fact, I really could use some money, so maybe I'll pass the idea on to someone who can do something with it. Any suggestions?

The Train

Boarding the train and riding into the city, you come across a lot of interesting people. As the stops become more frequent and the riders become more prevalent, discrepancies in their actions and appearances are noticeable. No person is the same, everyone has a place they need to be or someone to meet. Each has a story, yet you will never know anything about them beyond where they may be headed. There's the woman answering her phone and talking to her father, maybe scheduling a dinner date for the night or the one after. The kid with suitcases who just got on could be coming back from vacation, or getting ready to embark on a journey. But as the train gets closer to the city, so many people get on you become lost in yourself. The overwhelming amount of bodies cramming into the car forces you to only consider your own thoughts and though you hate to admit it, you become selfish. No more worry is given to those around you, as you have your own problems to face once you get back home. Yet, if you stop and look around, you will notice just how similar everyone truly is now that the work day has ended. Exhausted and spent, all the people want is to eat and rest, if only just for a few minutes, to prepare for the next day, where maybe, just maybe, something new and interesting will happen. The doors open, people get off, the train moves on.