Thursday, December 30, 2010


After a month or so of talking and planning, my friends and I have decided to launch a clothing line. Coinciding with this company, we will be developing and maintaining a new blog, covering topics such as music, movies, clothing, news, etc. (and anything people want us to talk about). We want our customers - and possible fans - to have the utmost accessibility to us and our product. In reality, I highly doubt anybody follows this blog actively, but I am content with that; it'll be on the back-burner while the other is created and edited. However, for those of you who do check out my writing whenever I (rarely) write something new, please help us out and spread the word. There is a reason our generation is referred to as Generation Y, or the Millennials; our upbringing and education have been delivered alongside the stunning evolution of technology and social media. The connectivity of our species has grown exponentially since the early introductions of the Internet, to the point where Facebook can be deemed the third largest country in the world. Again, I ask for your assistance in distributing the creation of the blog, which soon will be easily accessed by going to Spread the word y'all!

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